Sunday, November 25, 2012

How many gadgets do we need?

Sometimes I really wonder how many gadgets an individual person needs. I mean really , I have literally seen people on the New York Subway, talking on their cell phone and then they take out their IPAD® and play their games on it, or they may be listening with one gadget while playing with another. And I can just imagine how many they may have at home to satisfy their hunger for gadgets. I am also guilty like other people having one phone and one computer to play around. But is there any time where we don’t need one more gadget. I am read that some people have literally as many Apple® gadgets as they can get their hands on and still they clamor for more like it becomes a high or some bragging right that they are technophile amassing as many gadgets as their pockets will support it. And then there are those people, who religiously update their gadgets every year as new one comes and replaces the older one. We have become hostage to chasing all the latest and newest gadgets that come out of the factories and we have only so much time to give attention to each, and then we try to cram all these gadgets by multitasking. These gadgets have become toys for the big boys. You can see people playing them all out in the streets. It just is kind of a high to have the latest ones even if the old one you have can be fine for your needs. I guess there can be no limit to how many gadgets you can have and I thought I just try to figure it out but no avail.

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