Friday, June 22, 2012

The parks in our communities

The parks are an essential part of any town. It serves as a gathering of people getting fresh air, walking, children playing it and all sorts of healthy activities. Every town has one even if it is a small one. The people who have big backyards also tend to visit parks to enjoy meeting with other people and just enjoy the open air natural breeze and scenery. I along with my family visit the park sometimes (even though I have a big enough backyard) just to get out of the house and have a walk along the park sideways. Even if you are alone and have nothing else to do at home you can either walk or drive to you neighborhood park and just spend some time there. It is nice that here in America every time a community is developed, there are always plans to have a park and no community should be without one. Not all people have big backyard and the parks are an essential part of their spending time with their families and have some fresh air without spending much money. Sometimes I become lazy enough not to go to the park but when I do I thoroughly enjoy the variety of people there on their cars coming to enjoy with their kids and having a good time. So sometimes you should also try to go to a park to enjoy some quality time in the open away from all the hustle and bustle of busy life.

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