Friday, October 15, 2010

Breast Cancer awareness Month

As everybody knows by now, this is the breast awareness month and every thing is being done in pink to support it. Most of the companies are bring out their traditional products in pink color to highlight this month’s message. There are even some companies who are in order to promote their product are urging people to buy their product and in return they would donate a portion of the selling price to the breast cancer research/ foundation.

As far as I know this breast cancer awareness month is one of the most recognizable in the world and much money has been spent on it to find a cure but still there is a lot to be done. Although we hear about the survival stories of women battling cancer and conquering it but for every one of the more prominent stories, there are obscure ones that get lost since they are not there to say they have lost their battle. My cousin also died of breast cancer although we don’t have a history of breast cancer in our family and she was in the advance stages and did not have a chance to fight the battle much longer. All I am saying here is that women (mostly) should get a mammogram each year after 40 so that they should be able to catch anything that seems suspicions. There is no other way but to be vigilant about what is happening to your body.

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