Saturday, August 28, 2010

On the lighter Side- Travel- Virginia

Recently I had to chance to travel to Virginia. It was not for sightseeing but to meet friends and relatives, so there was no chance to even visit the neighboring Washington D.C. although I just went to two counties but it was telling to see so many new developments sprouting up all over the place. There are still places where there is all land with lots of trees and you feel like you are in a forest, but during the day you see lots of traffic coming and going. The malls are big and driving is easier if you know your way though you should be wary of driving carefully since the laws are stricter in Virginia than in New Jersey (no idea why that is since they sell guns like we fruits in store).

Another curious thing if you are from the Northeast is that you can see signs in store where you can buy your groceries along with guns (no idea what that means). Although people live everywhere they can find job or family but for now I am happy living in the New Jersey.

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