Thursday, March 18, 2010

Successes (or not) from the War on Terrorism

Now hear this we are hearing that the threat of terrorism from the people who attacked on 9/11 has diminished tremendously and their leaders are on the run. This is the new assessment from our No. 1 intelligence agency. If this is true than we should be ecstatic about it and reduce our guards. Or maybe not. Although it is true that we indeed had a huge success in targeting the terrorists by our Drone attack policy in Pakistan and also by persuading that ally to clamp down on the terrorist (which they have reluctantly taken on with huge casualties) but we are still not out of the woods.

Although our successes in Afghanistan and Iraq and somewhat in Pakistan has made the terrorists spread out in other unstable countries like Yemen and Somalia. Since the majority of the Muslims are poor in these countries (and other Muslims countries as well) the frustrated youth in those countries have started to believe the propaganda of the terrorists that the United States and to a lesser extent Israel is behind their miseries and are propping up their corrupt governments. Unless this propaganda is rebuked and counter attacked with our own favorable and truthful propaganda, there will always be an attraction among the Muslims youth to fight against the United States (meaning the West basically).

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