Thursday, July 1, 2010

Difference between Afghanistan and Iraq-6

Pakistanis have been suffering for a long time and they will continue to suffer as long as their leaders have this myopic view of having some influence in Afghanistan. There economy is in shambles and terrorist attacks are increasing in the country and their leaders are still having a dream of an Afghanistan that they will have influence over with so that they can concentrate on their eastern border with India. It is time that this kind of fantasy should be done with .Unless Pakistan stops supporting the Taliban and be serious about all kinds of Taliban (whether they are in favor of Pakistan or against Pakistan), the Afghanistan that the U.S. want will never happen.

U.S. wants an Afghanistan which does not harbor the Al-Qaeda or any terrorist organization on its soil and be at least friendly to the West and not be harassing its minorities. But this will not happen until the flow of arms from across the border with Pakistan is stopped and their support base in that country completely eliminated. It can be done, but only if the Pakistanis can see through beyond their myopic view of the region regarding India and concentrate in fixing up their country.

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