Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Invisible War

Slightly obscure news came that the Taliban militants have torched a NATO supply convoy near the capital of Islamabad, Pakistan. It was a highly sophisticated attack and shows the vulnerability of that country to the forces of Taliban. Whatever the Government of Pakistan is feeding to the world public, but it is fact that Taliban are increasing gaining in strength and sophistication despite the Pakistan Army operations in the lawless frontier province and the NATO operations in Afghanistan. Although the Drones attack in the lawless region and Army’s ongoing operations has resulted in heavy casualties to the Taliban and Al-Qaeda forces, but it is a fact that they have not been marginalized and further more they are increasingly been brazen about their attacks.Instead of worrying about what Iran may or may not do in the future, Pakistan already has the bombs and an increasingly hostile population which does not want the US to stay in the region.

As it is everybody’s guess, the Taliban would love to get their hands on Pakistani Nukes. And they do definitely have sympathizers everywhere in Pakistan. Some sections in Pakistan are still in a state of denial about the threats the Taliban pose for them. Until the world makes them realize about the threats, Pakistanis will be in a deep sleep about it for a long time to come.

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