Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Being Labeled Again Revisited

I just went to a recruiting agency since I lost my temp job and you know what happened. No surprise here, I got a rude awakening about my prospects of a job in a very specialized position. I really wanted to do accounting but was told that since I don’t have the requisite experience I will not be able to get a foot hold in that area of work. Which sucks because I have an MBA and doing my accounting degree right now. It really makes me so mad that once I have worked in a certain area (not entirely my fault) I have been labeled with that position. The employers now a days want a degree and experience and since they are in the driver’s seat (meaning they hold the jobs purse) they can dictate what they want in an employee.

I am really sick and tired by this perception that I can only do a certain kind of work in which I have experience and can’t do anything else. Well if somebody would have paid my bills I would have a job of my choice. It is just kind of saying that you have dug your own grave and should not have been there from the start. It just makes me so depressed and the only way out of this situation is to start your own business.

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